The London Bach Singers

"Blinding clarity" The Guardian

The London Bach Singers

The London Bach Singers are a chamber choir of virtuosi, specifically founded to perform the great choral works of Bach with their sister group the Feinstein Ensemble. The singers specialise in single-voice performances of Bach’s Cantatas, Passions and Masses. Each member is an established soloist in their own right with a vast experience in the performance of Baroque music.

"Small forces confer a blinding clarity on the score, entirely appropriate for a work that celebrates the coming of light into the world. The four singers, however, were exceptional, their voices finely blended in the choruses. Charles Daniels was the committed Evangelist, Faye Newton the bright-toned, effortless soprano. Bass Ben Davies sounded terrific in Grosser Herr, O starke König."


"Having a single singer and instrumentalist to a part is only one way of doing this music, but in the intimate setting of Kings Place it was ideal. The excellent soloists – soprano Faye Newton, countertenor Tim Travers Brown, tenor Charles Daniels and bass Ben Davies – were also the chorus. Four voices, here, were as good as 40."